California is burning.

Photo courtesy:
Not just California but much of the northwest.
I was in bed, eyes open, a couple of nights ago, thinking about what I would want to save from this house should it be threatened by fire, in no specific order.
Photo albums: my son’s baby photos, the albums with my mom, dad, grandmother, and me as a baby.
My computer and some other tech.
The print copy of my will.
Several small antique trinkets that have personal meaning to me.
Pet food (and pets of course).
My beloved.
There might have been a few other things but that pretty much covered it.
After, I thought about all the things I wouldn’t bring. I envisioned returning to find a heap of ash where this house stands now. I imagined how I’d feel …
And I didn’t feel much.
I paused to consider what matters.
Shame it takes fire for that.